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Populus balsamifera
United States of America




4/4 KD S2S1E $ 3.25 BF

1 x 12" KD S4S $ 4.00 BF

5/4 KD S2S1E $ 3.41 BF

6/4 KD S2S1E $ 3.76 BF

8/4 KD S2S1E $ 3.84 BF

16/4 KD $ 5.87 BF

Please inquire for current pricing - $ Fluctuates frequently.






Assumed, Wood Working Properties & Specifications


Populus spp.
Cottonwood (the genus Populus) is composed of 35 species which contain the aspens and poplars. Species in this group are native to Eurasia/north Africa [25], Central America [2] and North America [8]. All species look alike microscopically. The word populus is the classical Latin name for the poplar tree.

Populus angustifolia balsam, bitter cottonwood, black cottonwood, lanceleaf cottonwood, mountain cottonwood, narrowleaf cottonwood, narrow leaved poplar, Rydberg cottonwood, smoothbark cottonwood, willow cottonwood, willowleaf cottonwood

Populus balsamifera balm, balm of Gilead, balm of Gilead poplar, balm cottonwood, balsam, balsam cottonwood, balsam poplar, bam, black balsam poplar, black cottonwood, black poplar, California poplar, Canadian balsam poplar, Canadian poplar, cottonwax, hackmatack, hairy balm of Gilead, heartleaf balsam poplar, northern black cottonwood, Ontario poplar, tacamahac, tacamahac poplar, toughbark poplar, western balsam poplar

Populus heterophylla bigleaf cottonwood, black cottonwood, cotton gum, cotton tree, cottonwood, downy cottonwood, downy poplar, river cottonwood, swamp cottonwood, swamp poplar
Populus trichocarpa* balsam cottonwood, black cottonwood, California poplar, cottonwood, western balsam poplar

*commercial species

Distribution: Most of North America, with Populus deltoides in the eastern to midwest United States and Populus trichocarpa in the western United States.

The Tree: Cottonwood trees can reach heights of 190 ft (77 m), with a diameter of 6 ft (2.4 m).

General Wood Characteristics: The sapwood of cottonwood is white, while the heartwood is light brown to brown. The wood is weak in bending and compression, soft and low in shock resistance. It has a sour odor when wet, but no characteristic odor or taste when dry. Tension wood is frequently present, causing a fuzzy surface when cut.

Working Properties: Cottonwood glues well, has low nail-holding ability, does not split easily, and holds paint well.

Durability: Rated as slightly or nonresistant to heartwood decay.

Preservation: No information available at this time.

Uses: Lumber, veneer, plywood short bolts, pulpwood, boxes, crates, food containers, interior furniture parts, agricultural implements, wooden ware, cutting boards.

Toxicity: Sawdust may cause dermatitis






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